About Us

About Us

We are the Millennials, the generation that is rising up with a familiar sound, but a different fire.

About Us

Welcome to Just God and Good Vibes

I believe that God has given this generation a fire that was created not at the altar of the church, but established on an altar built out of season and behind closed doors. This fire for some started in a season of hurt, disappointment, broken relationships, maybe even abandonment. This fire is a fire that never burns out, but is never consuming. Fire is known to be destructive, and at times even fatal, but God uses this type of fire to burn off the elements that are not like Him, and refine His children. Maybe, you feel like you’re in the fire right now, with no way out, GET LOW, and Get to the FEET OF JESUS and anchor yourself there. If you are here, this is your sign that He just wants you to be willing, He will do the rest.


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